Cost & Benefits of Coffee Vending Machines in Offices



In our fast pace corporate life, it is tough to get all that we desire. We all are trying to run faster than the hands of the clock. And we hardly have time for ourselves. But the silver lining is that advanced technology enables us to pamper ourselves.  Like any other thing, technology has its own benefits and flaws but here we will be highlighting its benefits. And the name of this benefit is ‘Vending Machines’.

Yes, the coffee vending machine is not a new phenomenon but is no less than a blessing in the life of a coffee lover as now his favorite coffee is more accessible. 

The Rudd-Melikian firm of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, introduced the coffee vending machine in the United States in 1947, and it was termed the Kwik Kafe.

These vending machines are used widely in offices to make it easier and more convenient for employees to have their favorite beverage that will inject energy into them. As employees will get their source of energy, they will be more productive and will bring more profits to the table. Moreover, these machines will increase employees’ working hours as they don’t have to go out of office premises to have coffee during breaks.

A coffee lover’s mind’s speed is proportional to the quality of his morning coffee.

Types of Coffees Available in Offices’ Coffee Vending Machines

Coffee on demand is a need in today’s hectic and stressful world. So, if keeping employees moving is a key component of your business model, having coffee available is critical.

Older machines used hot or boiling water, instant coffee, or concentrated liquid coffee, and offered extras like cream and sugar. On the other hand, contemporary coffee vending machines offer more than just hot coffee.

They offer different beverages like

  • Lattes
  • Cappuccinos
  • Mochas
  • Hot chocolate
  • Tea (or hot water)

Cost of Coffee Vending Machine

Coffee vending machines come in different shapes and sizes. Depending on the shape and size of the machine, the cost will vary. Moreover, there are different sellers in the market that will sell the machine at different rates.

On an average a high-end coffee vending machine will cost you somewhere between Rs. 80k to 1 lakh. You can also have these coffee vending machines at lease. It will cost you 3k-5k per month.  Standard vending machines which are norm now a days come around anywhere from Rs. 12000 to Rs. 18000. 

Benefits of Coffee Vending Machines

Having a coffee vending machine in the office has numerous benefits including enhancing both employee satisfaction and productivity. Here are some key benefits:

  • Coffee has caffeine that increases our “feel-good” neurotransmitters and blocks “feel-tired” receptors. Having coffee vending machines in offices will help in keeping employees energetic.
  • Increased working hours of employees as they will not travel more. This will bring more profit to the organisation.
  • Taking care of employees will have a positive impression. They will feel more valued and will work harder for the organisation. Providing a coffee vending machine can be seen as a perk by employees, showing that the employer cares about their comfort and needs. This can lead to higher morale and a more positive workplace environment. 
  • These machines provide beverages at any time of the day or night, making them ideal for workplaces with extended hours, such as call centres and hospitals. This constant availability ensures that employees can always access a hot drink when they need it, without having to leave the office or wait for coffee outside.
  • Modern coffee vending machines offer a wide range of high-quality drinks, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. Employees can choose from various coffee styles, such as espressos, lattes, and cappuccinos, as well as other hot beverages like tea and hot chocolate. This variety can enhance employee satisfaction and morale.

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